
"The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies" Count-down Calendar

With 11 days to go until TH:TBOTFA, we should do something special to count down, shouldn't we? Well, here you are. Here is a count-down calendar you can make. I made ours when we had 20 days left, but you can make yours starting now. It's not very hard to make, believe me. Therefore, we shall proceed.

Step one: Find a piece of thick cardboard (picture 1) and either a piece of thin cardboard or thick card stock (picture 2).

Step two: Cut your thinner material to however big you want to make your count down calendar. (Ours is about 9 inches by 15 inches.) Then place your thinner stuff on your thicker stuff and trace it (first half of the picture.) Once you have, take the thinner card board off (second half of the picture.)

Step three: Cut the traced shape out of the thicker card board with a knife (or whatever you cut things out with.) ☺

Here they are cut out~

Step four: Now for the fun part. Select the pictures you're going to use. (We used character posters {below} and other screen shots from the trailers.) You could draw them if you wanted to, but we just printed them out. Make sure that you have a picture for each day and that they're small enough to fit on the card board.

Step 5: (No picture.) Arrange where the pictures will go and what exiting picture will be the one for the day it comes out. Then glue them on to the cardboard.

Step 6: Out of the thinner card board cut shapes to fit over the pictures and write on the back what day it covers. Once you have all of them cut out, turn them over and tape them on at the top, making sure they can lift up.

Step 7: (In this picture you can see how I did step 6). Alright, now tape each flap shut.

Step 8: You can decorate it all fancy if you want, but we didn't. :) Although I did add this message. . .

Step 9: Write the amount of day left on each flap, and "THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES" on the last one.

Step 10: I think that's it. You're done!

I hope that this makes sense. If not, you can ask questions in a comment. There remains one more thing to do: go make yours! And have fun with it.

Be patient. ELEVEN DAYS.
~ S. F.


  1. Whose turn is it to open the #09 door tonight, love?

    A very fine post, very sensible explanations, very pretty count-down, very ingenious sister I have. Very good―Legolas!

    Keep calm and stay strong and remember what Myrtle said: (quote) "The Last Goodbye" means we won't have to say any more goodbyes, because, we know of...The Undying Lands. Let's get a grip now."
    What a wise older sister have we. Hearken unto her counsel, my friends!


    1. It was your turn, Les. :)
      Thank you, thank you, thank you. "Legolas"? What? Who?
      Ah, yes. Wise Myrtle. There is no wonder why she is the Dwarf-Wizard, eh? Let's get a grip.
      ~ S. F.

  2. This is an absolutely splendid idea! And so much more captivating than a simple countdown of numbers day by day on my phone. :)
    Well, how are you dearies feelings with only one.week.left.???
    Les V my friend, haven't heard from you in a while! I just recently went back to old posts before & after the DOS came out and had to smile at how cute/hilarious we were, freaking out over the Desolation of Smaug and not even being able to think about the Battle of Five Armies. Well here we are are... we come to it at last...the great battle of our time. ~Gandalf I can't believe it's coming so soon, really: remember when we were absolutely determined to meet in real life before the BOFA came to cinemas?? Ha. ha. that happened. :/ Oh well! We shall continue to comfort one another as the day draws nearer!
    I'm so excited... I really am, I think I'm past the "this is going to be so beyond depressing" stage & more into the "oh my WORD we get to have more pictures and scenes and posters and music and feels and theater popcorn, etc." I can't WAAIIIITTT!!!! I need to see my Fili! And my Kili! One last time!
    So I found two different quotes online that PERFECTLY sum up our Durin children. Here's Fili's.
    "The king that should have been."
    ^^^uuugghhh don't talk to me
    And here's Kili's:
    "A little brother may live to be a hundred years, but he will always stay a little brother."
    ^^^I have no idea why that simple line gives me so many feels! Valar save us!
    Respond when you can my dears, I'm simply overflowing with exhilarated shock!

    1. Dear, dear, dear Lili, it has indeed been many moons (early September!). I have not forgotten you, by any means.
      Thank you for your invaluable friendship and comfort and love during these mixed-emotions times. <3

      What feels-invoking quotes you found! I'm trying very much to keep my focus on happy things: the unexpected party at Bag End, the Undying Lands, memories of laughter and light. Keep the good feelings flowing. :)

      Much love,
      Les x

    2. To you I say "Thank you!" as well, Lili!
      Our feelings with one week? They are wondering what to do with themselves. EeeEeeEee! <--that's what they're saying. ☺
      ~ S. F.


Be good; we have a dragon.